Saturday, July 31, 2010

I waited impatiently and nervous in the bridal suite for it to begin...

My nephews put on a great show for the audience...

The music began and my dad walked me down the aisle...
I finally looked at him, afraid I'd start crying...I did. How could you not when you see that smile, and know you'll be seeing that sweet smile for the rest of your life?
Which of course makes me smile...

The cake was beautiful...
The kiss was sweet!
And the dance I'll never forget. We danced to Stand By Me, the words fit us perfectly.
Everyone was all smiles! What an unforgettable night.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Well, the DIY wedding couple has been busy busy! Lonn put together a large wooden sign that I then painted our logo L on. We made it to put on the street at the venue, as it is a tiny street and hard to see...hopefully this will help. Look for the big black sign with the big pink L.

Here I am hard at work on our aisle runner. I decided the other one wasn't big enough...go figure.
My sister Deb donated her old plastic Radio flyer and we glammed it up with some tulle and rhinestone after Lonn painted it black!
I am so excited to have my food processor! Thanks to Jon and Lyndsey, I opened it immediately and threw an entire onion was baby food in ten seconds. I'm in LOVE.
A few weeks ago my sister brought 4 of my nephews to our place and we spent the day together. First, we took the boys to get fitted for their tuxedos! Colt is 6 months old, and they had the cutest little baby tux, as you can tell, he didn't think it was quite as cute!
Next we stopped and ate at Jersey Mikes, Yummy! Lonn was so sweet to hold Colt while Deborah and I ate, and then passed him on to me when he was done! In the picture, Lonn is holding Colt, Cash (5) is far left, or the back of his head is anyway. Caige (7) in the grey underarmour, and Callen, 11 in the navy. The oldest, Colby was helping his dad that day and we missed him!

After lunch we went and saw Toy Story 3. Cash, the 5 year old, sat on Lonn's lap for most of the movie, and then on mine. I highly recommend the movie, its hilarious!

WOW, the last few weeks have flown by! Here are a few pictures from our trip to Vegas for my best friends Tiffany's Wedding!